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Sunday, March 16, 2014


In most species roaming the planet, there is an almost fixed and close relationship between the location of the mouth and the brain. This is no coincidence. The brain is very concerned about what the mouth is doing and has a vested interest in what goes into it. By being the repository of the appetite centers, the brain controls how hungry we are and how much we eat. The mouth is the portal of entry for all of this food. The brain must also monitor dietary contents for any toxic “foods” that might cause ill effects.   This is so important for the brain that, unlike any other organ, it is surrounded by a well-developed protective membrane called the blood-brain barrier (BBB), whose job it is to prevent access to the brain cavity of any chemicals that might harm the 100 billion or so nerve cells that make up the most powerful thinking machine in nature. There are other vital reasons why the brain-mouth relationship is so important. Unlike other bodily organs, such as muscles and the heart, which can generate the power they depend upon from a diversity of nutrient fuels, the brain doesn’t have that luxury. It must rely on the burning of glucose (the “sugar” in blood) as its only source of energy.

Not only that, but the brain can’t store nutrients the way the body can. If blood sugar levels ever fall too low, the  brain can go for only a few seconds. before it suffers from an “energy brownout,” and we lose consciousness. Herein lies the significance of the connection between the brain and the mouth.
Copyright © Larry McCleary,MD – Originally appeared in Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly by Larry McCleary,MD

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