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Thursday, May 29, 2014


When it comes to weight loss advice, myths abound, and distinguishing fact from fallacy can be difficult. It helps that many weight loss myths have been the subjects of scientific studies. Here are a few common myths, along with the facts.
“People who have difficulty controlling their weight often have naturally slow
Although some earlier scientific studies incorrectly reached this conclusion, more recent and better-designed studies have generally found that obesity-prone individuals have resting metabolic rates as fast as those of other people with similar muscle and organ mass. Studies show that even in infancy and youth, excess weight gain generally results from excess eating rather than slow resting metabolism. The faulty conclusions of the earlier studies were at least partially due to the tendency of overweight study participants to underestimate the number of calories they consume by 20 to 50 percent. Gaining weight actually increases your metabolic rate. When you gain much fat, you usually gain some extra muscle as well to help move the extra weight around. Both the extra muscle and fat increase your RMR, and more energy is required to move a bigger body. If you are overweight, therefore, you probably have a faster metabolic rate than people of similar frame size who are not overweight. This increase in metabolic rate works against additional weight gain and stabilizes your weight unless you eat even more daily calories than before.
“Some people are genetically fat.”
In fact, we are all “genetically fat” when we are in a fattening food environment and live a physically inactive lifestyle. Just as a squirrel is genetically programmed to pack away nuts when they are available in order to survive a hard winter, we are genetically programmed to pack on fat when surrounded by high-calorie, highly palatable food in order to survive times of food scarcity. Weight gain under such conditions is the result of normal genes functioning correctly.  The only problem is, the highly palatable food is always around us, and the slimming times of food scarcity never come. If squirrels were always surrounded by nuts they would be overweight too.
We are all “genetically fat” when we
are in a fattening food environment and
living a physically inactive lifestyle.
          Our food environment and lifestyles are broken, not our genes. The modern fattening food environment is very different from the food environment that existed through most of human history. It is far from natural, and combined with a less-active lifestyle, it promotes weight gain for almost anyone who doesn’t actively resist it. The Pima group of American Indians are believed to be genetically fine-tuned for conserving calories. Even this group, however, should not be considered naturally fat. While the Pima living in the United States are one of the most overweight populations in the world, the Pima living in remote regions of Mexico, where the environment is physically demanding and more traditional foods are eaten, are lean like non-Pima Mexicans living in the same environment. Scientists have found only a few genetic defects that influence body fat enough to be noticeable on an individual basis. These genetic defects are rare and generally act by increasing your tendency to overeat, most often through their effects on hormones that control appetite. There is little evidence for major genetic defects that cause weight gain by slowing metabolism. Although your individual genetics may make weight loss more difficult, no gene can stop you from losing weight if you are eating fewer calories than you burn. For almost all of us, the genes that are causing most of our weight gain are our normal genes, not our defective ones. We all have genes that are designed to store extra calories as fat. The best way to prevent your genes from causing weight gain is to make your personal environment less fattening and to become more physically active.
“Some people are naturally plump and
Although individuals may be naturally short, stocky, or muscular, no one is
naturally plump. The primary function of fat is storage of excess energy in times of plenty so that it is available for use when food is scarce. An abundance of permanent fat doesn’t suit this purpose, but is an unnatural condition resulting from the overabundance of highly palatable food in the modern environment.
In order to reach a more natural body form, you must either change your environment or compensate for the overabundance of highly palatable food in some other way. The bottom line is that if you consume more energy (calories) than your body needs, you gain fat, and if you consume less, you lose it. That is the nature of fat.
“Gaining weight is a natural part of
The only way to gain fat is to eat more calories than you burn. Older people tend to have more fat than younger people for the same reason they tend to have more money: they have had more time to accumulate it. Also, most of us live in a more fattening food environment and are less active than in our younger years. 
Although the resting metabolic rate of most adults slows with age due to loss of muscle and organ mass, this can be reversed with strengthening and endurance exercises.  Alternatively, if you don’t want to go to the effort of keeping your metabolism up, you can prevent weight gain by eating fewer calories to match your slower metabolism.
“You have a natural weight that your
body returns to when you are not
You do not have a single natural weight. The weight that is natural for your body depends on how many calories you eat and how physically active you are. If you begin eating more calories each day or become less physically active, you will gain fat (and muscle to carry around the extra fat) until you have gained as much weight as your daily calories will support. That will be your new “natural weight.” Similarly, if you begin eating fewer calories, or burning more through exercise, your weight will naturally drop to a lower level.
“Being slim means being hungry.”
Not with good eating habits. For example, keeping food out of sight between meals can help prevent cravings, and meals and snacks that are nutritionally balanced will keep you satisfied longer. A balanced meal includes some protein and fat, as well as carbohydrates in the form of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, or whole grains. The combination of protein, fat, and fiber in a balanced meal slows digestion and provides longer satisfaction after the meal ends. Foods made with processed grains or added sugars should be avoided or eaten in smaller amounts because they tend to digest quickly, so you are hungry sooner.
“If it says ‘energy’ or ‘power,’ it must
be good for you.”
Not if the first ingredient (or second, after water) is a sugar, such as sucrose, maltose, brown sugar, glucose, honey, or corn syrup. Sugars supply energy but little else in the way of nutrition. Just remember that energy in food is measured in calories. If you are overweight, you are already consuming too much energy.
“You can never be as slim as before you
had children.”
Fat gained during pregnancy can be lost like any other fat, by adjustments in eating and exercise habits. It can also be lost by breastfeeding, which uses about four or five hundred calories a day. Abdominal muscle tone lost during pregnancy can be improved with exercise to create a more slender appearance.
“Eating healthy means not being able to
have dessert.”
Sweets and other unhealthy foods can be eaten occasionally, or even daily, as long as they are eaten in smaller portions. Smaller portions, when eaten slowly to savor each bite, can provide as much enjoyment as larger portions.
“For losing weight, the less fat you eat,
the better.”
Only up to a point. As far as your weight is concerned, the main problem with fat is that it is calorie dense. A cup of vegetable oil, for example, has more than twice the number of calories as a cup of sugar. Fat is not all bad, however. A little fat in your meal can keep you satisfied longer by slowing carbohydrate digestion. Fat can also make food taste better. As a result, a diet that includes a moderate amount of fat can be easier to stick with, resulting in more long-term weight loss than would occur on a very low fat diet. In other words, extremely low fat diets encourage cheating or giving up.Some people mistakenly believe that
fat-free or low-fat foods will not make them “fat.” Excess calories from any source — fat, protein, or carbohydrate — will promote weight gain.
“Dietary supplements make losing
weight much easier.”
No supplement can substitute for healthy eating and a physically active lifestyle. Extra body fat is caused by extra calories, and in order to remove it, you need to eat less or burn more. You don’t need a supplement for that. You just need correct information and the determination to live a healthier lifestyle. Do some research before buying any supplement for weight loss. Words like detoxify, purify, cleanse, miracle, ancient, secret, and amazing are more often used by marketers selling overpriced products than by research scientists or medical professionals. The US Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission have websites with tips and resources for evaluating claims about dietary supplements.
“How fat you are depends on the kind
of bacteria in your gut.”
Recent scientific studies have been interpreted this way by some. What the studies really show is that certain types of bacteria in your intestines can add about 2 percent more calories to your meal by digesting components of your food that would otherwise remain undigested. This amounts to twenty to fifty calories per day for the average overweight adult. Most of us need to decrease our daily intake of calories by about ten times that amount. The effect of the bacteria is small by comparison. The studies also show that individuals who lose substantial amounts of weight lose much of the bacteria at the same time. This suggests that the abundance of the bacteria may be a result of excess fat or overeating rather than a cause.
Copyright ©Stan Spencer, PhD –Originally appeared in The Diet Dropout's Guide to Natural Weight Loss by Stan Spencer, PhD

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Endurance exercises such as fast walking, biking, swimming, and running can increase your total daily metabolism by burning calories directly, by increasing your resting metabolic rate (RMR), and by boosting your energy levels so you are more inclined to do other physical activities. Strength-building exercises can have an even greater effect on RMR by adding muscle mass. They can replace muscle lost due to physical inactivity and also help prevent additional muscle loss as you eat fewer daily calories. Keep in mind that a given volume of muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat. This means that if you are building muscle at the same time you are losing fat, you may become more slender without actually losing much weight. Some women worry that strength training will make them look bulky. It will not unless they have very unusual genetics. Instead, strength training can help support a pleasing posture and add muscle tone and definition for a more slender and attractive appearance. Strengthening exercises can provide you with many health benefits at any age, but particularly as you get older. Properly conducted strength training can be a
virtual Fountain of Youth by increasing muscle mass, metabolic rate, and bone
density and by reducing body fat, resting blood pressure, low back pain, arthritic
pain, depression, and age-related muscle loss. It can also improve glucose metabolism, which is important for those with type 2 diabetes.
Properly conducted strength training
can be a virtual Fountain of Youth.

You don’t need weights or any special equipment to strength train. Push-ups, arm and leg lifts, bridges, planks, abdominal curls, and other body-weight exercises will take you a long way.  Choose a You don’t need weights or any special equipment to strength train. Push-ups, arm and leg lifts, bridges, planks, abdominal curls, and other body-weight exercises will take you a long way.  Choose a combination of exercises that work all your major muscle groups, including your core abdominal muscles. To avoid injury, start easy and increase the intensity of your exercises gradually so your body has a chance to adjust to each new exercise. Be sure to warm up before each exercise session and to use proper form. For most exercises, proper form includes keeping your abs tight and your back straight, with a slight inward curve in your lower back. One way to warm up is to begin each exercise by doing several repetitions with about half the weight that you normally lift. If you are doing a bodyweight exercise instead of lifting weights, warm up by first doing several repetitions of an easier version of the exercise. For example, do some pushups on your knees before beginning pushups on your toes. Strength train two or three days a week, leaving at least one day between each exercise day for your muscles to recover. Choose a time of day to exercise when you are most energetic so you can work your muscles harder. If you are lifting weights, use weights that are light enough that you can do at least eight repetitions of an exercise in proper form. Stay at that weight until you can do twelve or more repetitions of the exercise for two consecutive exercise days. Then you can add about 5 percent more weight the next day you exercise. Be sure to perform each repetition of an exercise slowly and smoothly through a full range of motion, taking at least six full seconds to complete it. One set of each exercise is enough as long as it thoroughly fatigues your muscles. After completing each exercise, stretch the target muscles for twenty or thirty seconds to promote muscle development and flexibility.  Breathe normally during the stretch. To avoid injury, move slowly, and stretch only to the point where you feel a moderate stretching sensation. Stretching should not be painful. Consult your doctor before beginning an intensive exercise program, and get proper training before working with heavy weights or doing unfamiliar exercises.
For many, the hardest part of an exercise program is getting started. Here
are some ideas for getting started with, and consistently following, a strengthening exercise program:
1.     Schedule two or three times a week for strengthening exercises. Write your exercise schedule on a piece of paper and put it where you will see it every day. Even better, put it where you will have to move it every day, such as on your car seat or kitchen table.
2.      Choose three or four exercises to begin with. You can add more or try different ones later. There are many excellent exercise websites, magazines, and books that can give you ideas and teach you proper exercise techniques. If you haven’t done strengthening exercises for a while, start with some easy ones.
3.      Commit to spend at least five minutes exercising during your scheduled time, even if you don’t feel like it.
Chances are that after five minutes, you will feel motivated enough to continue and complete your session.
4.     Have a backup plan to do a simpler exercise session if you are unable to do your regularly scheduled one. For example, if your basic plan is to exercise at a gym, have a backup plan to do some bodyweight exercises at home for a few minutes if you can’t make it to the gym.
5.      If you miss an exercise session, don’t give up or beat yourself up over it. Just commit to make your next one. 
6.     Lay your exercise clothes out the night before your scheduled exercise
session so they are ready and waiting for you.
7.      Exercise with a friend. Agreeing to exercise with another person can make a big difference in your motivation. If you can’t find a partner to exercise with, join an exercise group or hire a personal trainer.
8.      Hold yourself accountable for following through with your exercise
sessions. There are different ways to do this. You can make a commitment
to report regularly on a fitness web site, on your own Internet blog, or to
a friend. Another option is to create a monthly chart to fill in as you complete each exercise session.  Reward yourself at the end of the month if you have met your goals. Don’t require perfection of yourself, but choose a realistic goal to call success. For example, completing at least two out of three sessions each week for a month may be a good enough goal to start with.
Copyright ©Stan Spencer, PhD –Originally appeared in The Diet Dropout's Guide to Natural Weight Loss by Stan Spencer, PhD

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The human body is designed to be moving and working throughout the day. Sitting for long periods in an automobile, at a desk, or on a couch is an unnatural situation. It should not be surprising, then, that regular physical activity has many potential health benefits. These include better cognitive function; improved sleep quality; healthier bones and joints; greater muscle strength and endurance; and lower risks of depression, heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. It is also important for maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercise isn’t required for losing weight; just about any diet will do that. Regular exercise is needed to keep the weight off. The National Weight Loss Registry is a long-term study of individuals who have lost thirty or more pounds and kept it off for at least a year. To maintain their weight loss, registry members report burning about 370 calories per day by exercising. This equates to about thirty-five to forty-five minutes of vigorous exercise or sixty to seventy-five minutes of moderate exercise. These numbers are only averages. You may be able to get by with less, especially if you make use of much of the other advice in this book. It is unlikely, however, that you will be able to lose weight and keep it off without a regular exercise program.

Regular exercise is needed to keep the
weight off.

The US government’s 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise five or more days a
week for basic health, and suggests that sixty or more minutes a day may be
needed to reach or maintain a healthy body weight. The daily exercise may be
done all at once or divided into smaller blocks, but each block should be a
minimum of ten minutes. Fifteen minutes of vigorous exercise may be substituted
for every thirty minutes of moderate exercise.
Turn Work and Play into Exercise
Getting thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day can be as simple as
taking a brisk walk when you get up in the morning or during your lunch hour. Other moderate exercise options include hiking, light weight training or calisthenics, yoga, shooting baskets, recreational swimming, bicycling, or playing actively with children. Vigorous exercise might include racquetball, basketball, doubles tennis, running or jogging, fast ballroom or square dancing, fast bicycling, skiing, hiking hills, swimming laps, jumping rope, or heavy weight training.1 Find an activity that you enjoy. Staying with an exercise program is easier if you make it fun. Here are some more ways to be active:
Join an exercise group.
1.     Get a gym membership and use it.
2.     Organize a group of friends or neighbors for morning or evening walks.
3.     Take stairs instead of elevators.
4.     Walk instead of drive, or park a distance from your destination and walk the rest of the way.
Get Away from the Screen

Limit television and other leisure screen time such as videos and recreational Internet use. These activities take time away from active recreation, burn very few calories, and leave you feeling less energetic. Limiting leisure screen time to a few hours a week can facilitate your efforts to get more physical activity. Getting away from the screen and living an active life is also kind of like starring in your own reality show. Enjoy it!
Copyright ©Stan Spencer, PhD –Originally appeared in The Diet Dropout's Guide to Natural Weight Loss by Stan Spencer, PhD

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Even a small change in the amount of food you eat each day can make a big
difference in your weight over time. For example, eating one hundred calories
more than you need each day (a very small soft drink or the mayonnaise on a
sandwich) can cause you to gain several pounds each year. You can burn off those
hundred calories each day by walking briskly for about a half hour (if you weigh
about 150 lbs or 70 kg). Alternatively, you can save yourself the trouble by making
some minor changes to your eating habits, such as eating your sandwich with mustard instead of mayonnaise, or drinking ice water instead of a sugary soft drink. We usually don’t intend to eat too much. We overeat, often without thinking, because of poor food choices, bad habits, and the temptations around us. In this, you will learn how changes in your food choices, habits, and personal
environment can help you eat fewer calories without going hungry.
Eat More Natural Weight Loss Foods
Researchers at Harvard University conducted a study in which they monitored the weight and habits of 120,877 adults over a twenty-year period. They found that study participants who increased their consumption of fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, or yogurt tended to lose weight, while those who decreased their consumption of any of these foods tended to gain weight.
Eating more of these natural weight loss foods can help you lose weight also.
Unprocessed fruit, nuts, vegetables, and grains digest relatively slowly because of the fiber they contain and because their tissue structure hasn’t already been broken up by processing. Foods that digest slowly reach your blood stream gradually, so you remain satisfied longer after a meal ends. As a result, you are less tempted to snack between meals or overeat during the next one. It isn’t entirely clear why yogurt is associated with weight loss. It may simply be that adding yogurt to a meal makes it more satisfying so you end up eating less
overall. Yogurt may also slow the digestion of the meal so you don’t get hungry again so soon. As you eat more fruits, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and yogurt, reduce the amount of less-healthy foods in your diet by eating them less often and in smaller portions.
Fresh Fruit
In the Harvard study, fruits were associated with weight loss while fruit
juices were associated with weight gain.Fresh whole or cut-up fruit is preferable
to fruit juices or other processed fruit because it usually has more fiber, digests
more slowly, and has fewer calories. A 12-ounce (355-mL) glass of orange juice, for example, has about 170 calories. A medium orange has only 60. Here are some ways to eat more fresh fruit:
1.     Eat a small handful of nuts and a piece of fruit along with a glass of water for a snack.
2.       Add a piece of fresh fruit to breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
3.     Buy a variety of whole, cut-up, and frozen fruit. People tend to eat what
they have in the house, so keep your house well-stocked with good food.
4.     Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the table.
5.     Keep a container of cut-up fruit in the refrigerator. To keep the fruit from turning brown, add some lemon juice.
6.     Add fruit to cereal for breakfast.
7.     Make a yogurt parfait or dip cut-up fruit in low-fat yogurt for breakfast
or a snack. Top a bowl of cut-up fruit with yogurt for an easy dessert.
8.     Make a fruit salad with grapes or berries and cut-up fruit. Add plain or
flavored yogurt if you like it creamy. Top it with shredded coconut or chopped nuts.
9.     Add cut-up fruit, grapes, berries, orange sections, raisins, or dried
cranberries to a green salad.
10.            If oranges and other acidic fruit make your teeth sensitive, try eating them with yogurt.

Although nuts are relatively high in calories, they also contain fiber, fat, and
protein, which slow digestion and provide enduring satisfaction. You need only a
small handful with a meal or snack to get the weight loss benefits. Because nuts are dry, be sure to eat them with a glass of water to get the full effect. Here are some ways to get more nuts into your diet:
1.     Buy a large container of nuts and divide them into handful-sized portions. Keep these portions handy to add to packed lunches or snacks.
2.     Eat a small handful of nuts with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
3.     Add nuts to cereal or low-fat yogurt for breakfast.
4.     Eat a yogurt parfait with nuts as a snack or with a meal.
5.     Add nuts to green salads, vegetable dishes, and fruit salads.

The US government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommends that half of the food on your plate be fruits and vegetables.4 Here are some ways to eat more vegetables:
1.     Stock up on frozen vegetables for simple, fast side dishes.
2.     Keep a container of baby carrots, celery sticks, sliced green peppers or
cucumber, or other ready-to-eat vegetables in a see-through container in the refrigerator for lunches and snacks. Put carrots and celery sticks in a container of water so they stay crisp.
3.     If you don’t care for vegetables, eat them when you are hungriest so they
will taste better, and you will gradually learn to enjoy them more.
4.     Add cut-up vegetables to a packed lunch, or take some along to add to a
purchased lunch.
5.     Add vegetables prepared two or three different ways (cut-up raw, steamed, roasted, etc.) to dinner.
6.     Sprinkle cooked vegetables with feta, Parmesan, vinegar, or other strong flavors to make them more interesting.
7.     Include a green salad and low-calorie dressing with dinner every evening.
8.     Try a large green salad topped with sliced boiled eggs or chicken breast
for lunch.
9.     Try low-fat yogurt seasoned with dill weed, mint, or other herbs as a dip
for cut vegetables.  
10.                        Top fried or scrambled eggs with tomato salsa, nopales, or fresh avocado.
11.                        Decorate dinner plates with vegetable slices.
12.                        Add grated or chopped vegetables to some of your usual recipes. Zucchini,
carrots, tomatoes, and spinach can be added to many dishes.
13.                        Add steamed vegetables to soups.
14.                        When you eat out, request additional vegetables. For example, ask for extra tomatoes, pickles, or lettuce on a sandwich, or extra vegetable toppings on a pizza.
15.                        Grill vegetables such as onions, mushrooms, and green peppers as part of a barbeque meal.
Whole and Slowly-Digesting Grains
A whole grain is a grain that still has the bran and germ. The bran of a grain is the outer, high-fiber layer. The germ is the high-fat, high-protein embryo of the grain plant. A refined grain has the bran and germ removed. Processing refers to any alteration of a grain, including removal of the bran and germ in the refining process, grinding of grain into flour, bleaching of flour, or treatment of a grain so it cooks more quickly. Unlike the minimally processed grain eaten by our ancestors, most of the grain in the modern diet is in a highly processed form — much of it as refined flour. The process of converting wheat to refined flour increases its caloric density by over 10 percent, reduces its fiber content by
about 80 percent, and reduces its protein content by almost 30 percent. The less processing a grain goes through before you eat it, the more slowly it digests, so it keeps you satisfied longer and you don’t get hungry so soon. Because flour is ground so finely and is so low in fiber, fat, and protein, it digests very quickly. Whole wheat flour is better, but still digests rather quickly if it is finely ground. Food products made of coarsely ground flour digest more slowly because of the extra time required for breaking down the larger particles. Food products with a high proportion of cracked, sprouted, or intact grains digest even more slowly.  Brown rice generally digests more slowly than white rice. Besides differences in levels of processing, differences in the grains themselves affect the rate of digestion. For example, high-amylose varieties of rice, such as basmati, digest more slowly than low amylose varieties. Low amylose rice tends to be sticky and digests rather quickly, whether it is white or brown. Converted rice digests slowly, even though it’s not brown. Genuine rye bread digests more slowly than wheat bread.  Pasta made of semolina digests more slowly than other pasta and most bread. Pasta cooked al dente, meaning that it is still firm, digests more slowly than pasta that is overcooked. When shopping for whole grain products, check the list of ingredients. Whole grain foods usually have one of the following as the first ingredient: brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet, oatmeal, quinoa, rolled oats, whole-grain barley, whole-grain corn, whole-grain sorghum, whole-grain triticale, whole oats, whole rye, whole wheat, or wild rice. The following usually do not indicate wholegrain ingredients: wheat flour, wheat, stone-ground, multigrain, and 100% wheat. Here are some ways to eat more slowly-digesting grains:
1.     For breakfast, eat hot cereal made of a minimally processed grain such as
flaked or cracked wheat, oldfashioned rolled oats, steel-cut oats, bulgur, quinoa, brown basmati rice, or hulled millet. To save time, cook up a large batch and warm a portion in the microwave for breakfast every day.
2.     Use brown basmati rice, bulgur, hulled millet, or quinoa in a side dish recipe for dinner.
3.     When you eat out, request whole grain options. For example, request brown rice instead of white rice, or whole wheat bread instead of white bread.
4.     Buy bread made of whole grains or, even better, of sprouted or cracked
5.     Buy semolina pasta, and cook it al dente.
6.     Use whole grain flour or oatmeal for some or all of the flour in pancakes,
waffles, cookies, bread, muffins, scones, and other flour-based recipes.
7.     For baking, try medium-ground whole cornmeal, coarse or medium
ground whole wheat flour, whole spelt flour, or whole rye flour. Look for these products in the natural foods section of your grocery store or in a health food store.
8.     Buy a portable home mill and grind  your own flour, using a coarse setting. Yogurt
Yogurt in your meal will make it more satisfying. Yogurt also makes a quick,
satisfying snack. Plain low-fat yogurt has relatively few calories. As with most any habit, the hardest part of adding yogurt to your snacks and meals is just getting started. We tend to eat what we have on hand, so buy a quart or two of plain low-fat yogurt as well as some ready-to-eat portions of your favorite flavored low-fat, low-sugar yogurt, and put them in your refrigerator. Here are some more ideas:
1.     Make a yogurt parfait for breakfast or a snack by mixing plain yogurt with
fruit and granola or whole-grain breakfast cereal.
2.     Eat plain yogurt as a topping in place of sour cream on just about any hot
dish. Try it on vegetables.  
3.     Mix plain yogurt into your favorite salad dressing to make it lowercalorie.
4.     Use plain Greek yogurt in recipes in place of sour cream or cream cheese.
5.     Eat yogurt as a lunch or dinner side dish.
6.     Enjoy yogurt sweetened with a little jam or honey in place of less healthy
at a Solid Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Skipped or unbalanced meals can leave you hungry or unsatisfied and tempted to snack on junk food or overeat later in the day.In a balanced meal, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, about half (45–65 percent) of the calories are from carbohydrates and the remainder are split between protein (10–35 percent) and fat (20–35 percent).4 Keeping each meal within the recommended ranges for carbohydrates, protein, and fat will help keep you satisfied between meals. While the carbohydrates will help you feel satisfied quickly, the fats, proteins, and fiber will serve to slow the digestion of the meal so that you don’t get hungry so soon. A combination of carbohydrates, fat, and protein will also help your body get the nutrients and constant supply of energy it needs for good health and calorie-burning physical activities. The carbohydrate portion of a meal should consist mostly of minimally processed vegetables, beans, and whole grains. The protein portion of a meal should come from nuts, beans, soy products, eggs, fish, milk products, whole grains, or lean unprocessed meats.
Keep in mind that there are more than twice as many calories in a gram of fat as
there are in a gram of protein or carbohydrate. This means that the amount of fat needed for a balanced meal is relatively small. Common sources of fat in a meal include salad dressing, milk, meat, nuts, beans, whole grain, bakery goods, and cooking oil. The best drink to have with your meal is water. It doesn’t add any calories, yet in combination with the fiber in foods it can help you feel full.
A good, solid breakfast is especially important to help prevent hunger and cravings, so you are less tempted to snack on junk food during the day. A study by scientists at Virginia Commonwealth University and Hospital de Clinicas Caracas in Venezuela found that dieters who ate a moderately-sized breakfast (610 calories of a 1,240 daily calorie diet) each day initially lost less weight than dieters who ate a small breakfast (290 calories of a 1,085 daily calorie diet), but were more  successful at keeping the weight off. Although the dieters who ate the small breakfasts lost more weight at first, they gained much of it back before the end of the eight-month study, apparently because they were less successful at resisting food temptations. By the end of the study, dieters who ate the moderately sized breakfasts had lost about four times as much weight as the other group. They also reported less hunger and fewer cravings throughout the day. A bowl of cold cereal for breakfast isn’t enough. Instead, try to include a whole grain, some unprocessed fruit or vegetables, and a protein source such as eggs, nuts, or low-fat yogurt. Make up for those extra breakfast calories by snacking less or by eating less at dinner, then go to bed before you start to get hungry again. You need more calories in the morning for energy and insurance against food temptations, and fewer in the evening when you are relaxing or about to go to bed.
Eat Less Junk Food
Eat less of refined-floury and sugary foods, potato-based foods, white rice,
high-calorie dressings and toppings, and sugary and alcoholic drinks. These are the common junk foods of the modern western diet. You can cut back on these foods without feeling hungry if you eat more of the natural weight loss foods discussed previously.
Refined-Floury and Sugary Foods
Most processed foods have been “predigested” to a degree during grinding,
juicing, or other processing, so they digest rather quickly, leaving you with a load of calories and a soon-empty stomach. Processed foods high in refined flour or
added sugar, such as bread, candy, cold breakfast cereals, cookies, cake,

doughnuts, pancakes, pastries, pizza, and waffles are not only implicated in the weight gain epidemic, but also in the recent dramatic increase in diabetes.
Refined flour is any flour that is not whole grain. Sugars commonly added to
food include sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose, brown sugar, molasses, honey,
maple syrup, agave nectar, corn syrup, raw sugar, and corn sweetener. Any of
these added sugars will contribute to weight gain, no matter how “natural” they
are. Refined flour and added sugar provide energy (i.e., calories), but little in
the way of nutrients. If you are overweight, you are already consuming too much energy. Refined flour and sugar also encourage overeating by enhancing the flavor of foods to an unnatural degree. Here are some ways to eat less of these
1.     Buy bread made of sprouted grain instead of flour.
2.     Beware of ready-to-eat breakfast foods that are high in sugar and refined flour. For a better breakfast, try whole grain hot cereal or toasted bread made of sprouted grain. Avoid cold breakfast cereals unless they are unsweetened and made of whole grains.
3.      Set reasonable limits. You don’t need to eliminate desserts and other sweets entirely. Allowing yourself one small dessert a day, with more
allowed on special occasions, can help keep your spirits up and decrease the temptation to cheat.  
4.     If you have an urge for something sweet, eat fruit.
5.     When you eat pasta, make sure it is semolina or whole grain, and cooked
al dente.  
6.     When you buy a burger, discard half of the bun. Eat sandwiches openface.
7.     Read the ingredients on food packages. Any food that has refined flour or an added sugar as the first ingredient should be eaten sparingly.
8.     Prepare your own meals. At least you will know what’s in them.  
9.     Have plenty of fruits or vegetables in each meal. Filling your stomach with
these relatively low-calorie foods will help you feel satisfied without eating so much of the higher-calorie foods.
10.                        Have a light (not creamy) soup with lunch or dinner. This will slow down
your eating, giving your stomach more time to produce feelings of satisfaction.
11.                        Don’t shop when you are hungry, and decide ahead of time what you will
12.                        Decide what you will have for each meal a day in advance so that you are
not left deciding what to eat when you are already hungry. Write your decisions down. Prepare meals ahead of time, when possible, to further limit last-minute decisions.
Potato-based Foods
A few unprocessed foods, such as potatoes, digest quickly. Potatoes with
added fat, such as french fries, hash browns, and potato chips, digest more slowly but are much higher in calories. In the Harvard study,  potato-based foods
had a greater association with weight gain than any other food category. Here are
some ways to eat less of potato-based foods:
1.     At a restaurant, order a side salad, low-fat yogurt, or fresh fruit instead of fries. Skipping the fries can save you the trouble of having to work off 350 to 400 extra calories (for a medium order).
2.     Substitute sweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, or other vegetables
for regular potatoes in your meals.
3.     Snack on fresh fruit, celery sticks, or baby carrots instead of potato chips.
4.     Avoid temptation by keeping potato chips and other potato-based snack
foods out of the house.
White Rice
White rice has had the outer layers and the germ of the grain removed. What is left is mostly starch, which digests directly to sugar. White rice digests quite quickly, especially if it is sticky (low amylose), leaving you with a load of calories but little lasting satisfaction. To eat less white rice, try substituting brown basmati rice or converted rice. If you don’t like the flavor of brown rice, try
adding a little lemon juice.
High-Calorie Dressings and Toppings
Salad dressings, mayonnaise, butter, and sour cream pack a lot of calories in a little space. Having some fat in your meal is important, but don’t overdo it.
It makes no sense to pour 300 calories of dressing on a 30-calorie salad. Almost
all of the calories are coming from the dressing. If you cut the amount of dressing
in half, you will reduce the total calories you are eating by almost half. Here are
some more ways to eat less of highcalorie dressings and toppings:
1.     When you order a salad, get dressing on the side so you can take just what
you need. When eating at home, make your favorite salad dressing lighter
by mixing it with plain low-fat yogurt.
2.     When you order a burger or sandwich, request it with only a little mayonnaise, or with mustard instead.
3.     Buy low-fat dressings or make your own.
Sugary and Alcoholic Drinks
Sugary and alcoholic drinks are high in calories and low in nutrients. Drinking calories is a fast way to gain body fat because you can ingest hundreds of
calories in just a few minutes. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommends careful monitoring of sugarsweetened  drinks, fruit juices, and alcoholic drinks, because they are high in calories and easily over consumed. Water is the only drink the human body requires, and is needed in generous amounts for optimal body function and weight loss. Water has no calories and won’t spark your appetite like other drinks can. Here are some ways to cut down on liquid calories:
1.     Don’t have high-calorie drinks in your house where they can tempt you. Stick with water or low-calorie drinks such as tea without sugar. Most sports drinks are high-calorie.
2.     Drink water when you are feeling hungry or thirsty between meals.  
Fruit juices are high-calorie. Eat fresh fruit instead.
3.     When you eat out, request ice water or a low-calorie drink instead of a sugary soft drink to avoid having to work off about 150 calories or more (for a small soft drink).  If you don’t like the flavor of plain water, add a squeeze of lemon juice.
The Power of Half
If you don’t want to entirely eliminate some of these junk foods, a good goal
might be to eat them half as often as you now do, and in portions half the usual
size. This approach won’t leave you feeling deprived, but will greatly decrease
your calorie intake. Eating half as much, half as often, will reduce your consumption of these foods — and their calories — by a full 75 percent. That’s a
lot of calories you won’t have to burn.
Eat Junk Food Only with Meals
Eat junk food only as part of a meal. Drink only water between meals. For snacks, eat fruit, nuts, vegetables, minimally processed grains, or low-fat yogurt. You will be less likely to overeat when snacking on healthy, unprocessed foods,
and they will keep you satisfied longer. If you eat solid, balanced meals, you won’t
get as hungry between meals and may not need to snack at all.
Water is the only drink the human body

Junk foods tend to be nutritionally unbalanced and highly processed. As a
result, they tend to digest rather quickly, leaving you soon hungry. Eating your junk food with an otherwise healthy meal will help you eat less of it. The other foods in the meal will also help buffer the effects of the junk food on your blood sugar levels, so you remain satisfied longer after the meal ends and are less likely to experience cravings later in the day.
Eat Mindfully
Mindfulness, remember, means paying attention to your present experience. Mindful eating means keeping your attention focused on what and how much you are eating. It is the opposite of mindless eating, which is what most people do most of the time. When you eat mindlessly, you put food in your mouth because it’s there, not because you need it or necessarily even want it. Mindful eating will not only enable you to get greater enjoyment from a smaller amount of food, but will also give your body more time to feel satisfied so you are less tempted to overeat. There are five steps to mindful eating:
1. Decide how much you will eat before you start. Remember, if you eat foods that digest more slowly and that provide more nutrients, you don’t have to eat as much each meal to avoid feeling hungry before the next one. Most fruits and vegetables don’t contain many calories, so they can be eaten in greater quantities than other foods. Put everything you plan to eat on your plate, then put away or
discard the remainder.  
2. Avoid distracting influences. Don’t watch television or read while eating. We tend to keep eating until the end of the story, whether we are hungry or not.
  3. Take and savor little bites. Much of our eating is not out of hunger but to
enjoy the flavors and textures of our favorite foods. You can eat less while enjoying it just as much, if you eat slowly and deliberately. Take small bites and consciously savor each one, making a point to hold the food in your mouth a little longer and notice the textures and flavors. After a while your taste buds will begin to tire of the flavor, and you will be less tempted to overeat.
4. Put your fork or spoon down or take a small sip of water between bites. This will slow your eating down, giving your stomach time to produce feelings of fullness and satisfaction and allowing you to pay better attention to those feelings.
 5. Listen to your stomach. When empty, your stomach is about the size of your
fist. It only holds a couple of handfuls of food comfortably. If you eat more than that, it stretches to the point that it begins to put pressure on other organs. Let the feeling of your stomach rather than the flavor of the food tell you how much to eat. Stop eating when your stomach feels a little heavy. If it feels tight, stretched, or topped off, you’ve had too much. Don’t feel that you have to finish all of your food. Your mother was wrong. It’s OK to leave food on your plate, especially if you have been served too much. Don’t treat yourself like a garbage disposal just to get rid of extra food.
Limit Restaurant Meals
Limit fast food and restaurant dining. Restaurants are generally focused on
making food that tastes good, not that is good for you. The sugar, fats, and refined carbohydrates they use to make the food highly palatable also make it high-calorie. Also, the sizes of restaurant meals have increased in recent decades to the point that they are often enough for two or more people. Since our natural tendency is to keep eating until the portion in front of us is gone, we end up eating too much. Here are some ways to eat less restaurant food:
1.     Take a few minutes to prepare a meal and take it with you instead of eating
2.     When eating at a restaurant, select small or mini options when available. Regular sized portions these days are already “super sized” compared to portions twenty or thirty years ago. A “bargain” isn’t a bargain when it’s more than you want or need. The first few bites of anything usually taste the best anyway.
3.     Split a meal with a companion, or ask for a box before you start eating
and put aside part of the meal to take home.
4.     Don’t feel that you have to finish your food. Getting your “money’s worth” by finishing your meal doesn’t make much sense when you consider the medical and lifestyle costs of obesity-related diseases or the time and effort you’ll need to burn off the extra calories.
5.     Eat at home when you can.
Get Enough Sleep
Studies have found that sleeping less than six or seven hours a night is a risk factor for becoming obese. This may be partly due to the role of sleep in determining the levels of hormones that control hunger. Here are some ways to get more and better sleep:
1.     Plan your bedtime before it gets close. Don’t arrive at home without a
2.     Try to arrange your schedule so you can get to bed at about the same time
every night, even on weekends. It will be easier to turn bedtime into a
habit if it’s at a consistent time.  
3.     Don’t go to bed hungry, or full. Eating close to bedtime can disrupt sleep, but being too hungry can make you restless also. Eat a solid dinner and then go to bed before you get hungry again.
4.     Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the evening. If you are having trouble falling asleep or sleeping soundly, any of these substances might be to blame.
5.     Exercise. Exercising regularly can help you sleep better. Exercising in the evening, however, may make it harder to fall asleep.
6.     Keep it cool and dark. Warmth and light signal daytime and wakefulness
to your body. Cool and dark signal night and sleep.
7.     Keep pets and kids out of the bed. The extra wiggles make sleep more difficult.
8.     Relax your mind. Going to bed with heavy thoughts makes it more difficult to fall asleep, and to sleep soundly. Avoid television, computer work, intense reading, or anything else that overly engages your thoughts or emotions before bedtime.
9.     Use meditation, light stretching, a warm bath, or another relaxing activity to leave behind the worries of the day. Make a list of things to think about the next day, then forget about them and go to sleep.
Watch Less Television
Television takes time away from sleep and physical activity. It leaves less time for preparing meals, so you are more likely to eat unhealthy prepared foods.
Television viewing also encourages snacking on junk food. Many calories are
eaten and few are burned in front of the television. Not surprisingly, television watching was associated with weight gain in the Harvard study. People who spend a lot of time watching television are more likely to be overweight than moderate viewers or non-viewers. A study of over fourteen hundred successful weight loss maintainers revealed that most watched ten or fewer hours of television per week, compared to the US national average of twenty-eight hours of television viewing for adults. Television can be addictive, so cutting back may be difficult at first, but with time other activities will become more enjoyable and television will seem less important.
Many calories are eaten and few are
burned in front of the television.

Turn off the television and fill your leisure time with activities that burn calories and that make snacking less convenient. Here are some ways to watch
less television:
1.     Plan your weekly television schedule ahead of time, and then stick with it.
2.     Fill your week with productive activities so you won’t have time to watch television. Plan activities ahead of time. Don’t arrive home without a plan.
3.     Don’t leave the television turned on when no one is watching it. If silence
is unbearable, play music or turn on the radio.  
4.     Unplug your television and cover it when it isn’t being used. Pin a note to
the cover listing several things you could be doing instead of watching television — meditating, exercising, playing catch with a child, enjoying a hobby, learning a new skill, visiting with a friend.
5.     Put remotes out of easy reach.  
6.     Don’t turn the television on because you are bored or just to see what’s
on. Find another cure for boredom. Remove television sets from bedrooms and eating areas.  
If all efforts at self-control fail, donate your television to charity. Many of these ideas also apply to other time-burners such as recreational Internet use, video games, and videos.

 Copyright ©Stan Spencer, PhD –Originally appeared in The Diet Dropout's Guide to Natural Weight Loss by Stan Spencer, PhD