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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The most important dierence between this program and others—the DASH Diet is backed by scientific evidence. You can be confident you are getting healthier. Your blood pressure will be lower and your cholesterol levels will be healthier. You will be eating foods that have been linked to a lower incidence of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. If you follow the DASH eating plan, you will get healthier if you lose a lot of weight, a little bit of weight, and even if you lose no weight at all. And second, the DASH Diet for Weight Loss uses proven techniques to help you change your eating habits and follow the DASH Diet. These are tricks and tools that we have learned from the more than 18,000 people who enrolled in the DASH for Health program—people just like you. The tips, tricks, and techniques they have shared with me over the years provide the “skillpower” you need to start on and stick to the DASH Diet for Weight Loss. I’m very pleased that some of the participants in the program volunteered to share their specific advice and experiences in this book. Most diet books oer generic advice about eating fewer calories and exercising more. Our advice is very specially tailored to helping you follow the DASH Diet.
The DASH Diet for Weight Loss oers in-depth meal plans carefully tailored to the number of calories you should be eating to lose weight. These meal plans have been created by a team of quailed health professionals under my direction. There is a meal plan for you if you are a 140-pound-woman who works a desk job or if you are an ex–football player who works on a construction site all day—and there’s a program for you, too. Then there is the food itself. The DASH Diet for Weight Loss focuses on “high volume–low calorie” foods, which nutritionists understand are essential to any weight-loss program. These foods have fewer calories relative to their size. As an example, a wedge of watermelon has far fewer calories than an equivalent-sized piece of chocolate. The greater sense of fullness you get from large volumes of low calorie foods is the reason nutritionists recommend focusing on these foods if you are trying to lose weight.
We have taken this established concept and developed it by focusing also on how hard you have to work to eat a particular food. Foods that need more chewing and take longer to eat are benecial if you are trying to lose weight. That’s because if the foods take longer to eat (and if you also focus on eating more slowly), then it is more likely your “fullness signal” will be triggered and you won’t eat as much as you would if you were eating small amounts of very-high-calorie foods that can be eaten very quickly. We’ve combined these food characteristics into an easy-to-remember slogan, Hi-Lo-Slo: HIgh volume, LOw calorie, SLOw to eat. We will refer to this slogan throughout this book.  
High Volume:  Take up a lot of space on your plate and in your stomach so you feel satisfied
Low Calorie: Low in calories relative to how bulky they are
Slow Ingestion: Require a relatively long time to eat, therefore allowing your fullness signal to be activated
I will recommend that you avoid eating large amounts of high-density foods such as most red meat, full-fat cheese, and sweets like chocolate and pastries. However, in the DASH Diet for Weight Loss, no foods are out of bounds and you can include small amounts of high-density foods in Hi-Lo-Slo food combinations and recipes.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of Hi-Lo-Slo foods is that most of them are high in fiber. Fiber stays in your digestive system longer and provides a feeling of fullness on fewer calories. Finally, our emphasis is on the long term—losing excess weight and keeping it o. A person can lose weight for a few weeks on almost any diet. All you have to do is eat fewer calories than you burn each day and you’ll lose weight. That’s the easy part. The hard part is keeping that weight o. That’s where most diet programs fail. To have a meaningful eect on health, a diet has to be healthy and allow you to lose the excess weight and keep it o. And that long-term emphasis—keeping it off—is an important part of what this book is about.
Copyright ©Thomas J. Moore MD, Megan C. Murphy MPH, and Mark Jenkins –Originally appeared in The DASH Diet for Weight Loss by Thomas J. Moore MD, Megan C. Murphy MPH, and Mark Jenkins.

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